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A little bit outside of our area but as this is quite hard to find at the moment I am including it.

M.O.A.T. 1-2-1 Coaching

Management of Anxiety and Recovery from Trauma

This new 1-2-1 coaching course has been running since September at the Turbary Resource Centre, and is open to anyone who wants to improve their wellbeing. Susan Sutherland is a mental health practitioner and has been studying Trauma Based Care, which has enabled her to write and present these informative and practical courses. The course is split into 2 sections: anxiety management and trauma recovery. Participants have found that they make much personal progress in coping with anxiety and experiences of trauma. This helps them to have better health and well being.

Key physiological information is conveyed in a way that is easy to understand. This, in turn, empowers participants to put into practice the various practical steps to wellbeing. Each attendee follows along in their own visually well-presented folder and are welcome to ask questions. Due to the psychoeducational nature of the course it is a permitted activity during lock down restrictions and adheres to social distancing and hygiene measures.

A registration fee of £20 is payable to attend weekly coaching sessions of 50 minutes, covering both parts of the course. Those who attend can opt to do either just Part 1, or both Part 1 and 2. 

The availability of individual coaching is proving to be a timely resource. benefitting one and all especially at this season of pandemic. It is open to anyone over 16 from the wider area of Dorset.

Susan Sutherland the Project Manager for the Turbary Resource Centre on the Heatherlands Estate can be contacted on 07866 692528 to help with any queries during COVID any morning 9:00 – 12:00 or after 3:00pm. This can include our major offerings of M.O.A.T. (1-2-1 coaching in Management of Anxiety and Trauma Recovery), CAP Debt Help and food store cupboard etc.

Alternatively you can send Susan a text on 07866 692528 or an email at 

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