Wiltshire Mental Health Open Forum

Highlights of the forum’s first year.

The Wiltshire Mental Health Open Forum was established in August 2020, and is run jointly between Healthwatch Wiltshire, mental health service users, and mental health service provider Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP). 

The forum provides a safe space for service users, and those who support them, to speak directly to those who run mental health services, to get involved in helping to shape the design of these services and highlight gaps in mental health support. 

It also provides a platform for sharing information about local support available and for organisations and community groups to showcase the services, and activities, they provide. 

This report showcases the highlights of the forum’s first year.

If you would like this information in a different format, email or call 01225 434218.

Wiltshire Mental Health Open Forum – the first year

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