Healthwatch Wiltshire Annual Report

Visit the Healthwatch Wiltshire website to read their Annual Report.

Important points for the Mental Health ‘World’:

“Mental health remains a priority for us and our new mental health forum is giving people the chance to speak directly to those who run services in Wiltshire, while our online mystery shopping project, run by our young volunteers, has led to them being involved in the future design of these websites.”
“And we’re delighted that our work helping to improve care and support for people living with dementia received national recognition in November 2020 with a Healthwatch England award!”

“Our main areas of focus for 2021/22 are” (Listed first!) “Mental health -Listening to experiences of mental health services and shaping service redesign.”

There is a new Podcast from Emma Belle, diagnosed with bipolar and she has made an excellent start.

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