Health Equality Partnership Community Insights – A Chance to make sure Rural North Dorset Issues are Heard


Ioana from Dorset Community Action will be attending the Peer Support Group Meeting on 4th October in Shaftesbury to talk about this

June 2021 – November 2021

Help support the gathering and analysis of local health inequalities that people with enduring mental illness face.

Please join a focus group discussion and have your voice heard. (Your identity will remain anonymous and is protected by law.)


Dorset Community Action and Community Action Network are registered charities that provide professional and practical support to community groups and the voluntary sector in Dorset. We have been commissioned by Public Health Dorset and NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to gather community insights and identify any areas of hidden inequality that people with enduring mental illness face. These insights will be used by the NHS, the Primary Care Networks and the voluntary sector to improve and develop services for the people that really need them.

We are particularly interested in further exploring existing barriers and in uncovering potentially new ones, and in the overall experiences with healthcare of people suffering from ill mental health, across Dorset.

We aim to identify poor and/or unequitable healthcare provision among those service providers actively involved in supporting people with enduring mental illness, we aim to raise awareness of the barriers that prevent them from accessing health services and to devise a plan of action for positive change.

Finally, we aim to identify subject areas that would benefit from future targeted and in-depth research.”

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