Overall Amount Raised: £1,660.65!
Please join us for the presentation at Gillingham Co-op on Saturday 5th November at 11.30 am.
This is an absolutely fantastic result from our year with the Co-op Community Fund whereby customers could nominate us to receive a donation every time they used their membership card and particularly in our nominated shops of Gillingham and Shillingstone.
Thank you so, so much to all of you who did this and also to those who donated into the pots at the Gillingham store. With those donations and a £50 gift card from a Co-op fundraising kit the total amount raised is about £2,000!
And as an additional thank you to Co-op members:
On Wednesday 2 November, all our Members will automatically receive a digital bonus offer on the Co-op app or for 25% off our Irresistible product.
This can be redeemed once until Sunday 6 November.
Download the Co-op app.