Family Action charity to run SENDIASS

Dorset Council’s special educational needs and disability information, advice and support service (SENDIASS) is to be run by a long-established charity that supports all families.

From February 2022, Dorset Council’s special educational needs and disability information, advice and support service (SENDIASS) will be run by Family Action, a long-established charity that supports all families.  It is a free, confidential and impartial service for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers.  

“Family Action runs six other SENDIAS services across the country. In this year’s Third Sector Awards, they won Charity of The Year, where they were recognised for their intensive work supporting families who faced significant financial, mental health, parenting and relationship challenges during the pandemic. “

The aims of SENDIASS will continue to be to:  

  • provide a high quality, impartial, accurate and confidential service   
  • empower children, young people and their parents/carers to play an informed and active part in decision making and supporting them to make the best decisions   
  • contribute to partnership working with providers of education, alternative provision, training, supported employment, health and care  
  • ensure service user views are heard and understood  
  • make sure service users understand their rights, roles and responsibilities 

Family Action will work closely with Dorset Council, the CCG, the Dorset Parent Carer Council and the SENDIASS steering group to transfer the service. They’ll continue to use the current website, which will be updated with new information and contact details when the new service launches on 1 February 2022.  

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