Dorset Work Matters

This will be added to the main website as soon as possible.

This is a service for those under the CMHT (Community Mental Health Team).

“We are commissioned to work with patients under a CMHT and to help with the employment part of their recovery.  We support those who want to find paid work by identifying their strengths and work preferences and use these to find and maintain appropriate jobs.  Being client-centred is central to our recovery-focused practice.

It is the patient’s decision as to when they are ready to consider employment.  We help anyone who expresses a desire to work, regardless of job readiness factors, substance abuse, symptoms, history, cognitive impairment, treatment non-adherence and/or personal presentation.”

Their principles are:

  1. It aims to get people into competitive employment.
  2. It is open to all those who want to work.
  3. It tries to find jobs consistent with people’s preferences.
  4. It works quickly.
  5. It brings employment specialists into clinical teams.
  6. Employment specialist develop relationships with employers based upon a person’s work preferences.
  7. It provides time unlimited, individualised support for the person and their employer.
  8. Benefits counselling is included.

They also work with retention cases, so that if someone is under CMHT and is off sick and they are going to lose their job or it is making them more ill dealing with these circumstances then they would be supported with this.

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