Dorset Adult Asperger’s Support

DAAS was not much use to us up here in North Dorset before the pandemic (although they do have some useful resources and links on their website) as groups were in Poole, Bournemouth and Dorchester.

HOWEVER there is now a weekly typed chat through the website and on Zoom once a month. The groups are made very flexible with options to participate as much as you want and no need to turn on the video if you don’t want to on Zoom or you can just use the chat function on there too. The groups start at 7.30 pm on Tuesdays.


“The DAAS Group offers support and information for adults with Autism including Asperger’s Syndrome and their carers, families, friends and supporters in the Dorset area as well as working to raise awareness and increase understanding of Autism and Asperger’s”

“We are a community organisation run by volunteers. Around 70% of our committee is on the autistic spectrum.”

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