Dementia Courses for Carers

Carer Support Dorset has a arranged limited free places for registered carers. Please only sign up if you can definitely attend all 3 sessions on a course.

Course 1: Wed 24th Feb, 3rd and 10th March, 10-11 am

Course 2: Tues 2nd, 9th, and 16th March 10-11 am.

Call 0800 368 8349 to book your place.

Carer Support Dorset is open Mon-Thurs 9.30am – 4.30pm, Fri 9.30 – 4.00pm. Call 0800 368 8349 or email if you need support or advice on anything related to your caring role or to access workshops, Here to Talk befriending service or Virtual Cuppa sessions.

If you need to self-isolate or need assistance at this time and don’t have a support network to help you, call the Dorset Council helpline on 01305 221022 Mon – Sat, 9 am – 6 pm.

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