Carer Support Dorset Events

Carer Support Dorset

 Wednesday 27 July, 12noon-6pm
Joint drop-in with Socially Connected Shaftesbury, Shaftesbury Town Hall, High Street, Shaftesbury SP7 8LY
Here, you’ll also have a chance to find out more about our new North Dorset Carer Reference Group.

Thursday 4 August, 10am-2pm 
At Gillingham Library, Chantry Fields, Gillingham, SP8 4UA


Rethink Mental Health Workshop – Communication for Carers on Thursday 20 July, 10am-11am
A session led by Rethink on how you can best communicate with the person you care for about both of your needs. As well as how to communicate and advocate with professionals on behalf of the person you care for.

Increasing Emotional Resilience on Friday 21 July, 10am-12noon

This two-hour session provides an insight into what causes negative and positive emotions and how we can increase our emotional resilience to deal with them.
If you would like to register then please contact on 0800 368 8349 or email Please note, place for this training workshop are limited.

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