“The Suicide Prevention Pocket Guidebook: How To Support Someone Who Is Feeling Suicidal” is on sale from 2nd September.
It’s been written by the Founder and CEO of the charity Suicide Crisis, Joy Hibbins. The charity’s Suicide Crisis Centre has attracted international attention, see more here.
The book is full of strategies to help you support someone in suicidal crisis. It’s relevant for anyone wanting to support a family member or friend, and for people who encounter clients in crisis at work. It’s a comprehensive guide to understanding why someone may experience suicidal crisis, and how to help them survive, in the short-term and long-term.
It is available from most booksellers including Waterstones and WH Smith. A percentage of the sales of each book goes directly to the charity Suicide Crisis.
The charity hopes that the book will help save lives.
For more information about the book, please see the news page of the charity’s website link here.”