Free ebooks and audiobooks in Ukrainian and New Local Groups

See Help and Kindness website

Thousands of free eBooks and audiobooks in Ukrainian

“In order to provide Ukrainians with a range of free reading, listening, learning and entertainment opportunities, multimedia connect provider Odilio launched a free app for both Android and iOS in early April. Available across Europe, the app includes 3000 e-books and audiobooks in a variety of genres, including 1700 Ukrainian titles and 500 in English. There is material for both children and adults. We hope that everyone – from social workers to host families – will draw the attention of the refugees to this app. To offer them the support, pleasure or comfort of reading, learning and listening in these difficult and uncertain times.”

New Local Networks Emerging

Local networks are emerging across Dorset to support the Refugees and their Hosts in the community. They provide a point of contact for the Refugees to keep in touch with one another if they wish, and for Hosts to support one another and raise awareness of needs within their local communities. You can view the list of local groups here:

Click to view Local Support Groups for Ukrainian Hosts and Refugees

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