FCA, Equality Act and Mental Health

From Money and Mental Health

“The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) wants banks to deliver a higher level of care and to avoid causing customers harm, like financial problems or stress. But we’re pleased to see the FCA also highlight banks’ responsibilities under the Equality Act, to make sure that they don’t discriminate and that outcomes for different groups of customers are fair. The Act makes it illegal for providers to deliver a worse level of service for disabled people, including many people with mental health problems.

We’ve been asking Research Community members what kind of support would be most useful for people with mental health problems, and how well providers currently meet their needs. As part of this project we plan to raise the Equality Act up the agenda and push essential service providers and regulators to make sure that people with mental health problems get the support they need.

Click here to find out more about the FCA’s plans.

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