Covid and Mental Health Problems

A study conducted in Italy has found that more than half the people admitted to hospital with Covid 19 have difficulties with thinking and memory two months after being discharged.

Findings were presented at the 7th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN).

In detail:

16% – Problems with Executive Function (e.g. working memory, flexible thinking, information processing)

6% – visuospatial problems (e.g. difficulties judging depth and seeing contrast)

6% – impaired memory

25% – two or more of the above

The study revealed that mental problems are common in people shortly after discharge from hospital. It also provided evidence of a link between hospitalisation and PTSD which was found in 20% of the patients eight weeks after their infection.

Separate research by the Osperdale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan, also presented at the same conference has found that the most common long Covid symptoms were insomnia (65.9%), daytime sleepiness (46.3%) and walking difficulties.

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