AGESPACE – 7 tips on how to reduce your risk of dementia and A Guide for good mental health for the elderly during coronavirus

The AgeSpace website has a great range of information, these are just a couple of the recent items included on their newsletter.

7 tips on how to prevent dementia and reduce your risk in older age

“1 in 3 people in the UK will develop dementia in their lifetime. While a large proportion of dementia diagnosis are unavoidable, research does suggests that there are some steps we can take to help minimise the chances of developing dementia. Nothing comes with a 100% guarantee and seemingly the best advice for now is to live a healthy and balanced life. However, below are some interesting and helpful suggestions which might help to reduce the risk of developing and may even help  to prevent dementia. Much of the information on this page has come from The Lancet Commission Report (2020) which lists 9 modifiable risk factors (pollution, early age education haven’t made our list because we don’t think these are things that you can change easily)”

Guide to good mental health for the elderly during Coronavirus

Age Space have also updated the Dementia section on the website and they have recommended reads for anyone new to the world of dementia:

10 early signs of dementia

Getting a dementia diagnosis

Stages of dementia and life expectancy

Guide to caring for someone with dementia

Useful Products & Aids to help families living with dementia

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